s y n e c d o c h e  

   f i n e  a r t  p h o t o g r a p h s  b y  K i m  K a u f f m a n
s    t    u    d    i    o 



By entering this fine art photography site from any point you agree to be bound by the by our Site Use Terms and Conditions. Entrance to Synecdochestudio.com is granted expressly on these conditions which embodies all of the understandings and obligations between the parties hereto.

The entire web site (synecdochestudio.com) including all the photographs, graphics, text and html code are the exclusive intellectual property of Kim Kauffman and are protected under the United States and international copyright laws. The web site and its individual components are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. All content is original and not in the public domain. Nothing on this site may be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of Kim Kauffman and payment of a fee or arrangement thereof prior to any use. You may secure reproduction rights to any images via kim@synecdochestudio or phone 517-321-2815.

Other than by the normal viewing process of your browser, downloading the intellectual property contained in this site is prohibited. The content of Synecdochstudio.com may not be copied to another computer, transmitted, published, reproduced, printed, stored, manipulated, projected, or altered in any way, including without limitation any digitization or synthesizing of the images, alone or with any other material, by use of computer or other electronic means or any other method or means now or hereafter known.

Kim Kauffman vigorously defends her copyrights. If an infringement is found you will be notified and invoiced at the minimum10x the STANDARD FEE for unauthorized usage and/or prosecuted for Copyright Infringement in U S Federal Court where you will be subject to a fine of US$150,000 statutory damages in addition to all court costs and attorneys' fees.


