s y n e c d o c h e  
    s    t    u    d    i    o         p h o t o g r a p h s  b y  K i m  K a u f f m a n
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 View Kauffman Lectures at the Center of Photographic Art (youtube.com)
 Illumitones: Explorations in Abstraction

 Cameraless Imagery: Modern Methods Continue a Tradition

 Limited Edition Catalog Available
 Illumitones Catalog from the Center for Photographic Art Exhibition (from CPA).
Illumitones Catalog from 2011 CPA Exhibition

This limited editon (200) catalog accompanied the exhibition by the same name. It contains 24 of the images from the exhibition as well as an essay by the curator, Howard Bossen, Ph.D. The catalog was designed for CPA by Takigawa Design.

Perfect bound book: $40.00*
*Includes tax and shipping

 Download Publications
 The Kim Kauffman Multimedia E-Product(from CPA)
Kauffman Multi-Media offering

This is an interactive, multimedia, downloadable e-product containing three separate PDF monographs and an audio interview. There are 25 images included in the Illumitones monograph, 44 images in the Florilegium monograph, and the complete 47-page catalog published by CPA for the Kauffman exhibition. Listen to the artist answer questions posed to her by LensWork editor, Brooks Jensen, in the 28-minute interview. Downloadable from the CPA for only $5.00!

 Why Photographs Work
Fugue featured in the upcoming book "Why Photographs Work"

“Fugue” from Illumitones is included in George Barr’s book Why Photographs Work. Barr chose single images that speak to him from 52 photographers. He has written an essay on each photograph explaining why the images work aesthetically and emotionally. The photographers contribute essays on the particular motivations and challenges of the chosen image. Published by Rocky Nook , Inc.

 Newsletter Archive


 Resume and Artist Statements